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As the title says, I set an intention to have more movement – no not that kind of movement….movement in my body.

I am a dancer and for many years I danced on an average of 5 nights a week; West Coast Swing, Night Club and Country Western Two Step.  I’m on Instagram if you’d like to see some fun dance pictures from the dance club I belong to https://www.instagram.com/msbon55/. Then, I got a shoulder/arm injury which equated to curtailing my dancing to an average of one night a week.

I joined a gym but I never go to exercise..I go to use the hydromassage and tan..I know what you’re going to say. 🙂

So back to my point.  More movement.  Today, I set out on a 30 minute walk around my neighborhood.  Not an easy task to get going (should I pretend I have a dog that I need to walk?) but I just did it!  I put on some gym clothes and tennis shoes and headed out the door.  Then, I set the timer for 15 minutes and when the timer went off I turned around and headed home.  Like anything that takes practice – it’s good to set out with a short term goal as in baby steps – and build from there.

I have some pictures of the neighborhood.  Thought provoking signs in front yards and daffodils; a sign of early spring.  In addition to more movement I am using this time for meditation.  You can do a walking meditation by just being mindful of your surroundings.

On another note….I went to learn a new line dance last night.  Not only did I learn a new one – I learned two.  And, I took a Night Club Two Step lesson.  Then, I danced for five hours! I haven’t danced that long  at one time in over a year.  I’m feeling pretty inspired to keep on moving.