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Here I am at almost the end of January 2020.  Wasn’t it just New Year’s Eve; Christmas; Thanksgiving?  I have to say that once Thanksgiving hit the rest was a blur.  How about you?

At the beginning of each year I start with a fresh journal and write my intentions for the year.  Not this year because I had practically a new journal from when I stopped journaling.  What happened?  And I stopped blogging in 2015. What happened? I definitely always have something to say.

I started the new year/decade out irritable, out of sorts and without direction.  Perhaps too much sugar during the holidays.  I have found that paying attention to how I eat makes a difference in how I feel….duh..how many decades have I been playing with that idea?

Back in November I literally stumbled into a local shop Farmacopia – in Santa Rosa.  http://www.farmacopia.net; also on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/farmacopia that has herbal remedies and flower essences among so many other yummy things.  They have consultants that will meet with you so I made an appointment to see a herbalist.  Her name is Amy Charnay – http://herbanallies.com/amy-charnay.  This is literally my new favorite store in Santa Rosa, California.   

Complaints? I’m worn out, weary, exhausted, reactive and lost my JOY.  Amy made some suggestions of tinctures for me to take and made a special one for me called “Joy.”  These really helped for a few months and then as I tend to do I started “forgetting” to take them, winter hit, sugar cravings hit, sleep deprivation, and lots of social activity in December so I ended back in Amy’s office in January.  We tweaked the “potions” and I’m well on my way to finding my JOY again! Here’s my favorite bedtime tincture  it’s great for sleep: img_2388-1

So on this 23rd day of January 2020 I set the intention to resume my blog.  And my intentions for the remainder of the year is to each day  journal, read (I joined a book club to help me with this), connect with my higher source through mediation or Reiki, physical movement (exercise), practice compassion, cuddle time, take my tinctures and limit social media time.  I truly believe that when we write it down it makes it real.

I’m moving into this next decade with Joy and Hope.  How about you?  Feel free to leave me a comment.

Next time I’ll tell you about my Boudoir photo shoot.  Until next time…………