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What is my passion, what am I passionate about, what lights me up?

I have heard these terms used frequently on my journey to finding my passion and making a living at the same time.  Here I am soon to enter my 6th decade on the planet and I am still looking for my passion or what is my purpose in life.  So how does one go about finding their passion?

To back track a little…I was married at 18, had my first child at 22, second child at 37, and divorced when I was 40.  When I graduated high school I had no intention (nor money) to go to college so I got an office job.  I was bored after mastering each job so frequently job hopped.  After 4 years of this boredom I decided to take a real estate class and took the real estate exam when I was nine months pregnant.  You should have seen the looks I got when I walked into the exam with a belly the size of Wisconsin.  I passed the test, had my baby, and started a career in mortgage lending which lasted 15 years.

After my divorce I decided to take some marketing classes at the junior college because I had burned out in my previous career.  Still looking for my passion I found that I loved learning.  After some nudging from a guidance counselor, and  four years of school I graduated with an Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree.  I worked at various part-time jobs but never made my career in marketing – that comes later.

I needed a new profession and so once again I went back to school – this time to have a career as a paralegal.  I thought I would love law.  And I did!  After 3 semesters I graduated with my paralegal certificate and worked in that profession for 6 1/2 years.

I left that profession in 2013 and and yep you guessed it – I went back to school.  I took a social media marketing class and loved it.  I got an A in that class too.  So once again I began a new profession which brings me to current day.

What is my passion, what am I passionate about, and what lights me up?  I realized that I love learning, I want to be my own boss, and I want to help others.  So I continue to take classes – but I take them online, I have my own business; my current clients include an attorney for whom I do bookkeeping and administrative support; a chiropractor for whom I do front office and insurance follow-up; and e-marketing using Mail Chimp and Constant Contact.

By being a life longer learner I’ve learned to blog, build my own website, and e-marketing.  I have a business coach through the Small Business Administration who has helped me immensely in expanding my business.

And although learning technology in your late 50’s can be challenging – I just tell myself that it helps my brain – and keeps Alzheimer’s away.  Also, I can help other Baby Boomers, just like me, who might be frustrated with the technology learning curve.

And every time I have started a new career I have sought out volunteer opportunities. Volunteering not only gives me a sense of satisfaction but I am able to get paid jobs.

What I have discovered is that my passion, what I am passionate about and what lights me up is ever changing.  It is about flow.  And by not getting stuck in a rut and following my ever changing interests I can have fun and make money at the same time.  It is really quite simple.  Follow your joy and the money will come.