A year later and a pandemic…..



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I can’t believe it’s been a little over a year since I last wrote! So much has happened in the last year.

In February 2020 I went to Nicaragua for the first time;

March we entered the shelter in place health orders;

My job ended;

I signed up for unemployment;

In May my daughter Meghan moved back to Sonoma County from Idaho. So very thankful to have her back in the neighborhood.

My boyfriend and I had scheduled a cruise up the California Coast (with a group of dancer friends) to Oregon, Seattle, and Canada. We had to cancel because by this time no-one was taking a cruise due to COVID.

We had tickets to go to Safari West in June (with friends) and the date fell on my birthday. Sadly, we were not able to go due to the health orders – six feet distance which you couldn’t do in the back of a jeep.

By October, I was restless and irritable and my sister had had a health scare so I flew to Sabetha Kansas (where she, her children, and grandchildren all live.) I spent a week – masked – and feeling weird because masks were not mandatory. I came home, tested for COVID and quarantined just to be safe. All was good. Kansas COVID numbers were going up!

In November I was involved in writing postcards to encourage Florida voters to get out and vote. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were elected. It was an election that will go down in history!

December I drove to Oregon by myself. I spent 3 weeks visiting my boyfriend’s family. He flew up a few weeks later. We had Thanksgiving there and were nervous because Oregon was just shutting down in-door dining etc., due to an increase in the COVID numbers. I came home, tested for COVID and quarantined just to be safe. Again, all was good.

He went back to Oregon for Christmas and I spent it at home with my daughter and her boyfriend. This was the first time my daughter and I spent the holiday together in years. Because crab is her favorite and you couldn’t get it in Sonoma County, I ordered crab from Pike’s in Seattle. It cost me $200 but was so worth it!

New Year’s Eve we really missed our NYE dance gathering with all of our dance community. Every year we attend a dance sponsored by one of our West Coast Swing dancers at the Veterans Hall. This was one of the things I missed this year the most. Me and my partner would typically dance two to three times a week and that was my exercise. I’ve baked a lot of pies and cooked a lot of great meals and I have gained ten pounds!!!!!

January 2021 we decided to buy a house in Shasta County – Redding to be specific. My boyfriend’s family lives in Red Bluff and the cost of housing is so much lower there. Because of the pandemic and people working from home, many businesses made it permanent that people could telecommute. I started looking at real estate in December and the housing costs were going up and up. Another reason we wanted to move out of Sonoma County and buy in Redding was that once “things” start opening up again we want to travel, Redding will be our home base, and our housing costs will drop in half. We made a full price offer, requested a 60 day escrow and it was accepted with no issues.

February we did inspections and closed escrow on February 20, 2021. The sellers requested a 29 day rent back and we accepted because we are obligated to our lease in Sonoma County until August 30, 2021. This “rent back” will help defray some of the costs. Already, our house in one month went up in value.

Vaccinations are being offered for 75 and over. My boyfriend turned 75 in December 2020 so I signed him up for the two series shot. He got both vaccines and had little to no issue with the shot. His was the Pfizer vaccine.

My boyfriend, Danny Christian bought himself a newer corvette. She sure is pretty!

So here we are in the early weeks of March. I’m writing this from Gardnerville, Nevada where I’m spending my best friend’s birthday with her. The snow is on the mountain tops and it is cold! Hope is springing forth with more and more people getting the vaccine, and the possibility of businesses re-opening soon. I’ve been out shopping today purchasing items for our new home. We will pick up our keys on the 21st and start planning the construction remodel. We hope to be moving the bulk of our household in April. My boyfriend will stay in Sonoma County 3 days a week due to having his business here, and come home to Redding for 3 days.

I committed to taking some webinars over the last year and today finished a three month Five Element Coaching class with Jean Haner.

We have lost over 500,000 people to this pandemic; we are so thankful that we never contracted the virus nor lost anyone very close. We did lose some dancers in our dance community…….life as we knew it and possibly took for granted was forever changed a year ago. But, I’m thankful for the pause. I’ve grown so much!

I’ll be back to fill you in on the updates. I hope it doesn’t take me another year.


2020 Intention number two – movement



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As the title says, I set an intention to have more movement – no not that kind of movement….movement in my body.

I am a dancer and for many years I danced on an average of 5 nights a week; West Coast Swing, Night Club and Country Western Two Step.  I’m on Instagram if you’d like to see some fun dance pictures from the dance club I belong to https://www.instagram.com/msbon55/. Then, I got a shoulder/arm injury which equated to curtailing my dancing to an average of one night a week.

I joined a gym but I never go to exercise..I go to use the hydromassage and tan..I know what you’re going to say. 🙂

So back to my point.  More movement.  Today, I set out on a 30 minute walk around my neighborhood.  Not an easy task to get going (should I pretend I have a dog that I need to walk?) but I just did it!  I put on some gym clothes and tennis shoes and headed out the door.  Then, I set the timer for 15 minutes and when the timer went off I turned around and headed home.  Like anything that takes practice – it’s good to set out with a short term goal as in baby steps – and build from there.

I have some pictures of the neighborhood.  Thought provoking signs in front yards and daffodils; a sign of early spring.  In addition to more movement I am using this time for meditation.  You can do a walking meditation by just being mindful of your surroundings.

On another note….I went to learn a new line dance last night.  Not only did I learn a new one – I learned two.  And, I took a Night Club Two Step lesson.  Then, I danced for five hours! I haven’t danced that long  at one time in over a year.  I’m feeling pretty inspired to keep on moving.

A New Decade



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Here I am at almost the end of January 2020.  Wasn’t it just New Year’s Eve; Christmas; Thanksgiving?  I have to say that once Thanksgiving hit the rest was a blur.  How about you?

At the beginning of each year I start with a fresh journal and write my intentions for the year.  Not this year because I had practically a new journal from when I stopped journaling.  What happened?  And I stopped blogging in 2015. What happened? I definitely always have something to say.

I started the new year/decade out irritable, out of sorts and without direction.  Perhaps too much sugar during the holidays.  I have found that paying attention to how I eat makes a difference in how I feel….duh..how many decades have I been playing with that idea?

Back in November I literally stumbled into a local shop Farmacopia – in Santa Rosa.  http://www.farmacopia.net; also on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/farmacopia that has herbal remedies and flower essences among so many other yummy things.  They have consultants that will meet with you so I made an appointment to see a herbalist.  Her name is Amy Charnay – http://herbanallies.com/amy-charnay.  This is literally my new favorite store in Santa Rosa, California.   

Complaints? I’m worn out, weary, exhausted, reactive and lost my JOY.  Amy made some suggestions of tinctures for me to take and made a special one for me called “Joy.”  These really helped for a few months and then as I tend to do I started “forgetting” to take them, winter hit, sugar cravings hit, sleep deprivation, and lots of social activity in December so I ended back in Amy’s office in January.  We tweaked the “potions” and I’m well on my way to finding my JOY again! Here’s my favorite bedtime tincture  it’s great for sleep: img_2388-1

So on this 23rd day of January 2020 I set the intention to resume my blog.  And my intentions for the remainder of the year is to each day  journal, read (I joined a book club to help me with this), connect with my higher source through mediation or Reiki, physical movement (exercise), practice compassion, cuddle time, take my tinctures and limit social media time.  I truly believe that when we write it down it makes it real.

I’m moving into this next decade with Joy and Hope.  How about you?  Feel free to leave me a comment.

Next time I’ll tell you about my Boudoir photo shoot.  Until next time…………




My Boudoir Photo Shoot


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I promised I’d write about my recent boudoir photo shoot but first I’d like to provide some background on how I got here.

I came of age after the 60s and struggled with weight loss all through adolescence and adulthood.  I often said “I’ve lost and gained the same 35 pounds again and again.”  I tried all the diets, some subtle and some severe;  I had a poor body image.  A few years back I read Genee Roth’s “Women Food and God”  https://geneenroth.com/books/ and it really changed how I looked at weight loss.  About 18 months ago, I went on low carb and lost twenty-five pounds.  I partner danced four times a week so that really helped with weight loss.

About a year ago, in April 2019, I participated in a fundraiser for Veterans and performed a West Coast Swing routine with a young man 36 years younger than me. Dancing with the Stars and Stripes https://www.dancingwiththestarsandstripes.org/  It was an amazing experience…..however, I ended up with a shoulder injury that has taken me a year to heal.  My dancing decreased from four nights a week to just one.  And yes, you guessed it, there went my weight again. Up!

Back to the photo shoot.  I am fortunate to be in a relationship with a man who doesn’t care about my weight.  In fact he likes the roundness of my hips and butt.  So this year for Valentines Day I decided to give him a gift that he wouldn’t forget…..pictures.  I actually started on this path on black Friday when I came across a deal for a boudoir photo shoot.

I have many photographer friends but I wanted to do this photo shoot with a stranger.  I visited the website ohsolovelyboudoir and was amazed at the beautiful, classy, tasteful images so I contacted the photographer, Kim MacDonald, and scheduled my photo shoot for early 2020.

Truly the professional, Kim sent me a list of things I needed to do which was great because I had no experience!  I had originally wanted to surprise my guy but decided it would be fun to include him, so I took him with me to Victoria Secret and we found some nice lingerie.  I have to say that I was way out of my comfort zone but what a nice way to bring romance back into your relationship (not that mine left…but you know what I mean.) A few days prior to the photo shoot I got a spray tan and teeth whitening from my friend Debbie at Sonoma County Beach Bumz, in Cotati.  She’s the best and I highly recommend her.

Then I decided I wanted to bring some props: I had a long strand of pearls and I borrowed a really nice boa.  I built a Pinterest board with outfits I liked.  This way Kim could get an idea of my tastes prior to the photo shoot.

On the day of the photo shoot I arrived at 9AM.  A makeup and hair stylist was waiting for me and within one hour I was transformed.  My makeup and hair looked so beautiful! The time for the photo shoot arrived.  Seventy images later I was done.  It was an incredible experience.  Kim made me feel so comfortable and beautiful.

A follow-up appointment was scheduled to view the images.  I was a little nervous but I need not be.  I took my guy with me – even though it was recommended not to.  He loved it.  We had plenty of time to review the images and the images were so good that they needed very little touch-ups.  We ended up ordering 16 images for an album and some prints… two 8x10s for the bedroom and a few for his wallet.

I want all those women who think they might not be pretty enough, or are too fat, or too lumpy, or whatever negative things we say to ourselves to know that this is an amazing experience.  I am 63 years of age and even with the cellulite and C-section scars I am proud of this body that has carried me through the years.  I will look back when I’m 80 and say “dang girl…look at you”!

Finding my passion, what I am passionate about, and what lights me up.


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What is my passion, what am I passionate about, what lights me up?

I have heard these terms used frequently on my journey to finding my passion and making a living at the same time.  Here I am soon to enter my 6th decade on the planet and I am still looking for my passion or what is my purpose in life.  So how does one go about finding their passion?

To back track a little…I was married at 18, had my first child at 22, second child at 37, and divorced when I was 40.  When I graduated high school I had no intention (nor money) to go to college so I got an office job.  I was bored after mastering each job so frequently job hopped.  After 4 years of this boredom I decided to take a real estate class and took the real estate exam when I was nine months pregnant.  You should have seen the looks I got when I walked into the exam with a belly the size of Wisconsin.  I passed the test, had my baby, and started a career in mortgage lending which lasted 15 years.

After my divorce I decided to take some marketing classes at the junior college because I had burned out in my previous career.  Still looking for my passion I found that I loved learning.  After some nudging from a guidance counselor, and  four years of school I graduated with an Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree.  I worked at various part-time jobs but never made my career in marketing – that comes later.

I needed a new profession and so once again I went back to school – this time to have a career as a paralegal.  I thought I would love law.  And I did!  After 3 semesters I graduated with my paralegal certificate and worked in that profession for 6 1/2 years.

I left that profession in 2013 and and yep you guessed it – I went back to school.  I took a social media marketing class and loved it.  I got an A in that class too.  So once again I began a new profession which brings me to current day.

What is my passion, what am I passionate about, and what lights me up?  I realized that I love learning, I want to be my own boss, and I want to help others.  So I continue to take classes – but I take them online, I have my own business; my current clients include an attorney for whom I do bookkeeping and administrative support; a chiropractor for whom I do front office and insurance follow-up; and e-marketing using Mail Chimp and Constant Contact.

By being a life longer learner I’ve learned to blog, build my own website, and e-marketing.  I have a business coach through the Small Business Administration who has helped me immensely in expanding my business.

And although learning technology in your late 50’s can be challenging – I just tell myself that it helps my brain – and keeps Alzheimer’s away.  Also, I can help other Baby Boomers, just like me, who might be frustrated with the technology learning curve.

And every time I have started a new career I have sought out volunteer opportunities. Volunteering not only gives me a sense of satisfaction but I am able to get paid jobs.

What I have discovered is that my passion, what I am passionate about and what lights me up is ever changing.  It is about flow.  And by not getting stuck in a rut and following my ever changing interests I can have fun and make money at the same time.  It is really quite simple.  Follow your joy and the money will come.

A Decade of Sobriety and Spirituality


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June 6, 2015 was the day I celebrated 10 years of continuous sobriety.  What that means is that I haven’t used alcohol or recreational drugs to change the way I feel. I haven’t experienced very many pink clouds in sobriety.  A pink cloud can be described aspinkcloud12 step recovery jargon referring to someone new who talks about how great life is, now that they’re sober.  For me sobriety has definitely been a “one day at a time” experience.  Sobriety is simple but not easy.  And what I’ve learned is that no matter what, using anything to alter the way I feel is just temporary and won’t make anything better. And then along the way I found that there was a power greater than me that I could connect with that would help me feel better.  I call it Spirit. When I used alcohol and drugs I could not connect to Spirit.  In 12 step programs you are encouraged to find a “power greater than yourself.”  For me, this process has been gradual over the last 10 years.  To do so, I found a spiritual teacher, read many spiritual books, took classes and connected with people who were like-minded. connected to spirit As I reflect on the decade that has passed I can see all the wonderful blessings that have happened in my life.  I have made some wonderful friends, have two daughters that have grown into beautiful women, healed my relationship with their Dad and his family, and I’ve healed the other addictions that popped up after I gave up alcohol – which were food, shopping, and co-dependency to name a few. Addictions are symptoms of something much deeper….. Professor Alexander describes in the article about Rat Park that “addiction is an adaptation.  It’s not you.  It’s the cage.”  You may or may not agree with this argument but I found his theory very interesting.  You can read the full article here: http://huff.to/1yLbpIi I also believe that addiction has to do with loneliness.  The writer George Monbiot writes about the age of loneliness – stating that “Social isolation is as potent a cause of early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Loneliness is twice as deadly as obesity.” http://bit.ly/1yAiWbA. Photograph: Feri Lukas/RexMan sitting on a bench under a tree I can relate to this.  Loneliness has been my companion.  Sometimes I can be surrounded by people in a crowded room and feel very alone.  And, I’m not alone in this feeling.  Take the case of a person who thinks he or she has no friends, has a sense of aloneness, of not belonging to the universe, and a sense that no one cares.  These feelings can produce a lot of suffering. But, connectedness has been my companion too. In my spiritual community, I have been taught that we are all connected.  That there is the One and we are all connected.  That my suffering, feeling separate, and alone is just a thought and I don’t have to believe my thoughts.  That we/I are all connected to life and that everyone we/I meet is just a little different expression of that One.  And finally – if we, or I, identify myself with love, happiness, friendship and harmony we/I can change our/my thought patterns from a sense of separateness to a sense of connection. woman

New Years Day in Sausalito, California


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I woke up on New Years Day, 2015, with nary a hangover and anticipation of a brand new year – unspoiled – undented and fresh. I spent New Years Eve on a boat in Sausalito and heard that there was a very large boat anchored at the north end of town. My partner and I took a leisurely drive through the streets of Sausalito and after viewing the boat, which was actually more like a ship, we decided to venture on down to Fort Baker.

One of the things that is really awesome about Fort Baker, (Golden Gate National Park Area) is the underbelly view of the Golden Gate Bridge.  This is quite a different experience than driving across the Golden Gate.  What a magnificent bridge!

After that we drove around the Presidio of San Francisco. The Presidio has a rich history for defense dating back to the 1700s.

“People have always been drawn to the land around San Francisco, because of its sheltered harbor and its rich natural resources. Overtime, as different communities settled here, they would defend their stake in the land against other potential invaders. The Spanish established the Presidio of San Francisco in 1776 to protect their interests in the bay. In 1822, Mexico took over this land from Spain, but later they abandoned the Presidio fort and moved their central government up to Sonoma County. After the United States took control of California in 1848, the U.S. Army began to construct permanent posts and seacoast fortification.”  You can read more about it here http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/seacoast-defenses.htm.

Another part of the Presidio includes the rennovation of the former Army post which is Cavallo Point  http://www.cavallopoint.com/. It is a well known place – luxury resort – for travelers all over the world.

Here is a snapshot of what to expect:

“Experience the rich history of Fort Baker, a former U.S. Army post, with a stay in one of our impeccably restored historic guestrooms. These historic buildings – formerly officers’ residences – are located on expansive green space encircling the parade ground with hillside or San Francisco skyline views.  Cavallo Point has been honored with numerous awards for its historic renovation and preservation efforts.”

And how they came to be:

Originally inhabited by the coastal Miwok tribes, Horseshoe Cove became home to Fort Baker long before there was a Golden Gate Bridge. In 1866, the U.S. Army acquired the site for a military base to fortify the north side of the Golden Gate. The 24 buildings around the 10-acre parade ground at Fort Baker took shape between 1901 and 1915. The Army post remained active through World War II.

From Post to Park

In 1973 Fort Baker was listed as a Historic District in the National Register of Historic Places. When the Golden Gate National Parks were established in 1972, Fort Baker was designated for transfer to the National Park Service when no longer needed by the military. In 2002 Fort Baker transferred officially from post to park.

While wandering around the grounds I found a valet that took a few minutes to describe the history of this old Army post.  Me, being an Air Force “brat,” and having lived in Sonoma County most of my life, but born on Hamilton Air Force Base, was thrilled to hear that a great deal of pride and care had been taken to restore these buildings.  I was also informed that there is a butterfly preserve on the grounds, they promote sustainability, and contribute a portion of the fees they collect from hotel travelers to donate to a nonprofit organization.

It is always fun to learn about the area I live in (and often take for granted.)  It doesn’t cost any money to ask questions and usually people are willing to share their knowledge.

Please feel free to leave a comment.  I enjoy the feedback.

Happy 2015!




Spring Lake


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There is a gem here in Sonoma County and on any given day you will find many local residents walking around Spring Lake.  Spring Lake is one of the Sonoma County Regional Parks.   There you will find Howarth Park, Lake Ralphine (where you can fish and see geese), and Annadel State Park is close by (where you will find horses and mountain bikes.)   As you are walking on the path or perhaps hiking off one of the trails there is so much to look at.  At the other end of Spring Lake you will find a swimming lagoon that has lifeguards, picnic tables and groves with amazing Redwood trees.  You can camp, fish, watch birds, ride your bike or just hang out at the Lakeside Grill.  I haven’t been to the Discovery Center but from what I hear you should take your kids there. If you have a dog, there are lots of dogs and friendly people saying hello.  Spring Lake has something for everyone! You can also purchase a Regional Parks Pass which lets you park for free at any of the Regional Parks in Sonoma County.  If you see me walking please say Hello or feel free to leave a comment about your experience at Spring Lake.

Lakeside Grill

Lakeside Grill



Baby Geese

Baby Geese

Here is some information directly from the site: http://parks.sonomacounty.ca.gov/Get_Outdoors/Parks/Spring_Lake_Regional_Park.aspx

This 320 acre park features camping, fishing, picnic areas with barbecues, and five group picnic areas. Trails are available for walking, hiking, bicycling and horseback riding. The park includes a par course, a 3-acre swimming lagoon and a 72-acre lake.

Don’t forget to visit the Environmental Discovery Center at Spring Lake for a wonderful all-age educational experience. Afterward, stop by the Lakeside Grill, an outdoor dining destination with a healthy menu, bistro seating, wine and beer service, and free Wi-Fi.


There are 200 picnic tables with barbecues located throughout the park, plus five group picnic areas that may be reserved. Call (707) 565-2041 for reservations.


Enjoy the 3-acre swimming lagoon with sandy beach and concession stand. The swimming lagoon is staffed by lifeguards and is open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Spring Lake’s swimming lagoon is treated with chlorine and tested weekly, and water samples consistently exceed all state water quality requirements.

Dogs are allowed on the lawn around the swimming lagoon but not on the sand/beach.


The 72-acre lake is open year-round and is a wonderful place to windsurf, canoe or paddle boat. Boats are available for rent 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. on weekends through October 6, 2013 from the Concession stand, located near the swimming lagoon. The boat ramp is open year-round and can accommodate watercraft up to 16 feet in length. Boat launch is accessible from Newanga Avenue entrance to the park. US Coast Guard-approved life jackets must be worn on the lake.

No gas-powered boats are allowed on the lake. Electric motors are permitted.


Fishing at the lake is very popular. Large-mouth bass, sunfish and catfish can be caught year-round. A California fishing license is required for ages 16 and over.

The Sonoma Coast via the Bohemian Highway


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The day started out a little overcast and I was worried because I had planned a day with my boyfriend at the coast – a celebration of sorts.  You never know what the beach will look like because it can be cloudy and overcast in town and sunny at the coast or dark and gloomy.  It didn’t matter, I had made up my mind I was going and nothing was going to stop me. We headed West from Santa Rosa out Highway 12 towards Bodega Bay.  Suddenly, I saw the Bohemian Highway and told my boyfriend, turn right.  At the corner of the Bohemian Highway is a delightful little store that I love to stop by and see all the new treasures.  It was closed!  Next store is an amazing bakery http://www.wildflourbread.com.  It was closed! Drats I’m thinking why are they closed? Turns out that they are closed on Thursday to get ready for the weekend. A little farther down the road is a wonderful sanctuary named Osmosis Day Spa www.osmosis.com.  One of my very favorite places to go.  We stop in and I ask if I can show my boyfriend the meditation garden.  They said “of course.”  I have had many a massage there and after I go sit in the meditation garden.  It truly is amazing and if you haven’t been there you have to go. Next stop was the Freestone Artisan Cheese Shop. http://www.freestoneartisan.com.  We tasted some cheese and decided to take some cheese and salami with us.  Now to find some bread.  We drove down the road a little way to purchase some bread at the market across the street from Negris.  http://www.negrisrestaurant.com.  Negris is in the town of Occidental and serves Italian food in the family tradition. Now we were ready to head to the coast via Coleman Valley Road.  That road takes your around and up the mountain and drops you down to a breathtaking view of the ocean.  Along the way we saw wildflowers, cows, sheep and green rolling hills.  We arrived at the main road (at the bottom of Coleman Valley Road) and turned left to go towards Salmon Creek Beach.  There we parked and ate our cheese, salami and bread and then took a walk on the beach.  The sun was shining and the waves were crashing.  We saw young girls in shorts,  a family digging a hole (they brought their own shovel), and of course pigeons.  As we were leaving we saw a young man ready to launch his kite into the wind.

Spud Point Crab Company

Best Clam Chowder

Our last stop was for clam chowder.  There certainly is no shortage of that at Bodega Bay.  However, one of my favorites is Spud Point Crab Company http://www.spudpointcrab.com.  It is a little hole in the wall at Spud Point Marina – heading towards Bodega Head.  The clam chowder is to die for. We were so full we could hardly move!  We had a wonderful day at the coast and headed home to take a nap.